
The best stories are thoroughly researched and grounded in historical accuracy.


120,000 Japanese Americans were unjustly incarcerated by the United States during WWII.


A Bitter Legacy, by Claudia Katayanagi, Biosphere Productions

American Pastime, A Desmond Narcado Film

Beyond Barbed Wire, a MAC and AVA Film

Children of Internment – German Families in US Camps, by Joe Crump and Kristina Wagner

Children of the Camps, by Satsuki Ina

From a Silk Cocoon, PBS, by Satsuki Ina

Honor & Sacrifice, by Don Sellers, Lucy Ostrander, and Karen Matsumoto, Stourwater Pictures

Japanese Internment Camps, The Untold Story of WWII

Pearl Harbor – New Evidence, Produced by Louis Tarantino and Douglas Cohen

Proof of Loyalty, by Don Sellers and Lucy Ostrander, Stourwater Pictures

The Untold Story of Ralph Carr and the Japanese – Fate of Three Japanese Americans and the Internment, Sponsored by Nitto Tire, Produced by FCI

The Untold Story: Internment of Japanese Americans in Hawaii, by The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii

Toyo’s Camera-Japanese American History During WWII, by Toyo Mijatake

Unfinished Business


A History of Asian Americans: Strangers From A Different Shore, by Ronald Takaki

Born Free and Equal, by Ansel Adams

Camp II Block 211, Daily Life in an Internment Camp, by Jack Matsuoka

Children of the Camps, by Mark Felton

Children of the Relocation Camps, by Catherine Welch

Confinement and Ethnicity: An Overview of WWII Japanese American Relocation Sites, by the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior

Desert Exile, The Uprooting of a Japanese American Family, By Yoshiko Uchida

Enemy Child: The Story of Norman Mineta, by Andrea Warren

Executive Order 9066, by Maisie and Richard Conrat

Facing the Mountain, by Daniel James Brown

I Am An American, A True Story of Japanese Internment, by Jerry Stanley

Impounded – Dorothea Lange and the Censored Images of Japanese American Internment, edited by Linda Gordon and Gary Okihiro

Infamy, The Shocking Story of the Japanese American Internment in WWII, by Ricahrd Reeves

Issei The Shadow Generation, Rooted in Japanese Values, Planted on American Soil, by Tsukasa Matsueda

Japanese American Resettlement Through the Lens, by Lane Ryo Hirabayashi

Lawyer, Jailer, Ally, Foe: Complicity and Conscience in America’s World War II Concentration Camps, by Eric L. Mueller

Midnight in Broad Daylight, by Pamela Rotner Sakamoto

Nisei Voices-Japanese American Students of the 1930s-Then and Now, by Joyce Hirohata and Paul T. Hirohata, ed.

Only What We Could Carry: The Japanese American Internment Experience, by The California Historical Society

No Sword to Bury, Japanese Americans in Hawaii during WWII, by Franklin Odo

Passage to Freedom, The Sugihara Story, by Ken Mochizuki

Remembering Our Grandfathers’ Exile: US Imprisonment of Hawai’i’s Japanese in World War II, by Gail Y. Okawa

Restless Sprit – The Life and Work of Dorothea Lange

Seen and Unseen, by Elizabeth Partridge and Lauren Tamaki

Setsuko’s Secret, by Shirley Ann Higuchi

Stubborn Twig, by Lauren Kessler

Tadaima! I Am Home: A Transnational Family History, by Tom Coffman

The Art of Gaman-Arts & Crafts from the Japanese American Internment Camps 1942-1946, by Delphine Hirasuna

The Cross on Castle Rock, A Childhood Memoir, by George Nakagawa

The Eagles of Heart Mountain, by Bradford Pearson

The Japanese American Internment, by Rachael Hanel

The Principled Politician: Governor Ralph Carr and the Fight against Japanese American Internment, by Adam Schrager

The Santa Fe Internment Camp and the Justice Department Program for Enemy Aliens, by John J. Culley

They Called Us Enemy, by George Takei

Tule Lake Revisited, by Barbara Takei and Judy Tacibana

Un-American – The Incarceration of Japanese Americas During WWII, by Richard Cahan and Michael Williams

Visa for Life, by Yukiko Sugihara

We Hereby Refuse, by Frank Abe and Tamiko Nimura

When Can We Go Back To America, by Susan Kamei

Research is creating new knowledge.
— Neil Armstrong


Block Seventeen, by Kimiko Guthrie

Bridge of Scarlet Leaves, by Kristina McMorris

Clark and Division, by Naomi Hirahara

Daughter of Moloka’i, Alan Brennert

Even As We Breathe, by Annette Saunooke Clapsaddle

Farewell to Manzanar, by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James D. Houston

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, by Jamie Ford

No-No Boy, by John Okada

No Quiet Water, by Shirley Miller Kamada

Phantoms, by Christian Kiefer

The Bowl with Gold Seams, by Ellen Prentiss Campbell

The Climate of the Country, by Marnie Mueller

The Fervor, by Alma Katsu

The Last Year of the War, by Susan Meissner

Those Who Helped Us, by Ken Mochizuki & Kiku Hughes

Tule Lake – A Novel, by E.T. Miyakawa

Two Nails, One Love, by Alden Hayashi

When the Emperor Was Divine, by Julie Otsuka


During WWII, the United States deployed the world’s first atomic bomb over the City of Hiroshima in Japan, killing 70,000 people instantly. Tens of thousands suffered from radiation exposure. Within four months, the death toll had reached 145,000.


Hiroshima - BBC History of WWII, by John Hurt

Hiroshima:  The Real History by Lucy Van Beek

Japan’s War in Colour

The Emperor’s Tram Girls:  Japanese Tram Girls Who Survived the Bomb

White Light/Black Rain, HBO Documentaries


A Bowl Full of Peace, by Caren Stelson (childrens)

Black Rain, by Masuji Ibuse

Hiroshima No Pika, by Toshi Maruki

Shin’s Tricycle, Chart Institute (childrens)

The Atomic City Girls, by Janet Beard

The Last Cherry Blossom, by Kathleen Burkinshaw (YA)

The Lunch Box, Chart Institute (childrens)

The Mushroom Over Hiroshima, by Reiko Odate Matsumoto (childrens)


8:15 A True Story of Survival and Forgiveness from Hiroshima, by Dr. Akiko Mikamo

Choosing Life, by Leslie A. Sussan

Countdown 1945, by Chris Wallace

Daily Life in Wartime Japan, 1940-1945, by Samuel Hideo Yamashita

Fallout, by Lesley M.M. Blume

Hiroshima, by John Hershey

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Revisited, by Jacob Beser

Hiroshima-Nagasaki – A Pictorial Record of the Atomic Destruction, by Committee of Japanese Citizens

Now It Can Be Told: The Story of the Manhattan Project, by Gen. Leslie Groves

Reconstruction of Hiroshima

Reminiscences of Los Alamos 1943–1945, by Badash, Hirshfelder, and Brioda

The Legacy of Hiroshima, by Edward Teller and Allen Brown

The Girls of Atomic City: The Untold Story of the Women Who Helped Win World War II, by Denise Kiernan

The Hiroshima Maidens, by Rodney Barker

War’s End: An Eyewitness Account of America’s Last Atomic Mission, by Maj. Gen. Charles W. Sweeney